Photography for bloggers

I have barely seen the kids today, I have missed them but I have had a really great day at a Photography for Bloggers course run by the super lovely Emily Quinton of The Startup Wife blog.

Photography is something that I am trying to teach myself and I learned some great tips today to help me take some really pretty photos for my blog.

Here are some of the best…….what do you think?

Macro daffodils

Macaroon in a pretty tin Macro pencil on table Flower arranging Aperture priority daffodils Check out that focus! Still life daffodils Rule of thirds photography Outdoor photography wall art Graffiti Natural meets urban Outdoor aperture priority Door knob focus

I know I still need to practice my photography as these are the only good ones out of about 100 that I took today!

Do you have any tips for taking great photos?

For now,


This entry was published on February 16, 2013 at 10:43 pm. It’s filed under Doing, Uncategorized and tagged , , , , , , . Bookmark the permalink. Follow any comments here with the RSS feed for this post.

10 thoughts on “Photography for bloggers

  1. love them esp the lost rag one xxxx

  2. I love these, I will post my ‘lost rag’ one too! I really like the one with the two bottles of daffodils and the flower laying inbetween, it’s a really nice composition.

  3. Hello! It was lovely to meet you at the weekend. Your photos here are great, it’s so good if you feel like you can already see an improvement, shows that the course was worth going on. I really like the pencil, great focus and the love birds on the ring and the doorknob.
    I did a post on the workshop too and have a couple more posts with photos I took while there to come this week as well. Keep at it, these are looking great 🙂

  4. These images are great! I love the daffodil ones and I love your sketch too. I hope you continue to feel inspired and I look forward to seeing your photography develop. x

    • Thank you so much Emily, I had such a good day and have been enjoying taking photos all week. I do think I need a new camera now though as mine has its limitations. I don’t really feel like I have a style but I hope that comes with time.
      Thank you again for the inspiring day x

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