Herman Starter

Lucky, lucky me! My snack for this evening, perfect with a cuppa – Apple and Cinnamon German friendship cake

I have been pleasantly surprised at how much interest I have had on my blog today. I am not sure if it is because people have extra time as it is a long weekend; that they don’t want to go outside as the weather has turned rather cold or that my readers are genuinely interested in Herman the German friendship cake.

I am hoping that the reason why I have had so many hits is that Herman is a topic of much interest as I am going to post about him again today. I was so excited when I received Herman that I decided to keep my starter going rather than baking a cake with one cut of the mix and giving the other three parts away when I reached day 10 of looking after him. This is because I love experimenting with baking and what a perfect opportunity to try new things than with a live starter. I am aware that not all of you will have access to a starter that is already bubbling so thought I’d do a bit of wandering round the internet to find out how to make a starter from scratch. There were a number of different methods and not having tried any of them myself I do feel reluctant to post a recipe but the following from www.hermanthegermanfriendshipcake.com  seems quite easy:

The Herman Starter Mix

If you have never been given a starter mix for a friendship cake, it is very easy to make. This way you can start your own Herman and get sharing right away. Here’s how:


  • 5oz plain flour
  • 8oz castor sugar
  • 1 packet of active dry yeast
  • Half a pint of warm milk
  • 2 fl oz lukewarm water

What to do:

  1. Dissolve the yeast in warm water for 10 minutes and stir.
  2. Add the flour and sugar then mix thoroughly.
  3. Slowly stir in the warm milk.
  4. Cover the bowl with a clean cloth.
  5. Leave in a cool dry place for 24 hours
  6. Now proceed from day one of the 10 day cycle.

I hope this helps some of you if you are desperate to try a Herman friendship cake but don’t have access to a starter. Like I have said before I am very happy if there are any of you locally that want a cut of my Herman.

Really hope that you have had a super day. We have had a lovely day, although it was quite cold here we decided to go for a walk. We just walked out from our house and kept going to see where we would end up. We found a field with a horse and two donkeys in which the kids were absolutely thrilled about.

Isabella and the donkeys

William feeding the baby donkey

Happy Easter and happy baking.

For now,


This entry was published on April 7, 2012 at 7:31 pm. It’s filed under Baking, Herman, Recipes and tagged , , , , , . Bookmark the permalink. Follow any comments here with the RSS feed for this post.

6 thoughts on “Herman Starter

  1. Herlis on said:

    Hi, can you tell me what is 1 packet of active yeast equal to?

    Thank you, I look forward to hear from you.

    • Hi Herlis, one packet of active yeast is 7g, you can buy it from most supermarkets. It is the sort that doesn’t need to be dissolved in water but can be added straight to the dry ingredients.
      I hope you manage to find some 🙂

  2. Elaine on said:

    Hi I am about to make my first Herman. He is in the oven and smells delicious. Thanks to whoever invented it. I will let you know how mine comes out. Elaine

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