Operation Clean

I’ve seen on a few other blogs about Silent Sundays and nearly thought I would have a night off but just can’t resist blogging – I’m addicted!

We have been away this weekend and got back early this evening but I have already unpacked all our bags and put everything away. I know it doesn’t sound like a big thing but I am so disorganised and I am trying very hard to get better at tidying as I go. I have just written myself a weekly rota for cleaning and tidying in the hope that I can manage to do it in the days and have evenings free to blog and craft. Starting tomorrow I will be implementing ‘operation clean’ – just hope the kids are ok with it, they are getting so good at playing with each other now so I have high hopes that from tomorrow I will be able to get all the chores done in the day and have some extra time in the evenings.

Do you have a weekly rota? How do you keep on top of things with the kids running around? Does anyone have a cleaner (wish I did)?

For now,

This entry was published on January 8, 2012 at 11:02 pm. It’s filed under Doing and tagged , . Bookmark the permalink. Follow any comments here with the RSS feed for this post.

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